A. Photographs are one way to record a crime scene
1. Field notes
2. Photographs
3. Sketches
B. Five steps in recording the crime scene
1. Secure the scene
2. Take preliminary notes
3. Take overview photographs
4. Make a basic sketch
5. Record each item of evidence
C. Taking overview photographs
1. Purpose
a. To show the scene exactly as it was when you
first saw it
(1) If something was moved before you arrived,
don't try to reconstruct the scene as it
was. The photographs should show the
scene as you found it
2. Major crime photography
a. First discuss the crime, evidence and
photographs needed with other investigators at
the scene
b. Be careful not to destroy any evidence while
taking the photographs
c. Outside the scene
(1) Exterior of the building where the crime
occurred and in some cases the whole
(2) Aerial photographs of the scene and the
surrounding area can be useful in some
types of cases
(3) Original series of photographs should also
show all doors, windows and other means of
entrance or exit
d. Inside the scene
(1) Begin with a view of the entrance
(2) Then photograph the scene as it appears
when you first step into the room
(3) Next, move around the room to get
photographs of all the walls
(a) These photographs should also show
the positions of any potential items
of evidence
(4) Include photographs of other rooms
connected with the actual crime scene
3. Using video to record the crime scene
a. Frequently valuable to show an overview of the
D. Photographs to record items of evidence
1. Take two photographs of each item of evidence
a. One should be an orientation (midrange) shot to
show how the item is related to its
b. The second photograph should be a close-up to
bring out the details of the object itself
2. Measuring and marking devices
a. Take two photographs if a marking or measuring
device is used
(1) One photograph without the device, the
other with the device
(2) So the defence can't claim that the scene
was altered or that the device was
concealing anything important
A. Purpose of Crime Scene Photography
1. To record the original scene and related areas
2. To record the initial appearance of physical
3. It will provide investigators and others with this
permanent visual record of the scene for later use
4. Photographs are also used in court trials and
B. Admissibility of photographic evidence
1. Three major points of qualification of a photograph
in court
a. Object pictured must be material or relevant to
the point in issue
b. The photograph must not appeal to the emotions
or tend to prejudice the court or jury
c. The photograph must be free from distortion and
not misrepresent the scene or the object it
purports to reproduce
2. You do not need to be an expert in photography to
take crime scene photographs or testify about them
Note: Each crime scene has unique characteristics and the type
of photographs needed will be determined at the scene by the
investigator familiar with the crime.
A. Homicide
1. Use color film
2. Photographs (example: homicide inside a residence)
a. Exterior of the building
b. Evidence outside the building
c. Entrance into the scene
d. Room in which the body was found
e. Adjoining rooms, hallways, stairwells
f. Body from five angles
g. Close-up of body wounds
h. Weapons
i. Trace evidence
j. Signs of activity prior to the homicide
k. Evidence of a struggle
l. View from positions witnesses had at time of
the crime
(1) Use a normal lens
m. Autopsy
B. Suicide, other dead body calls
1. If there is any doubt, photograph the scene as a
C. Burglaries
1. Photographs (residential or commercial burglaries)
a. Exterior of building
b. Point of entry
c. Entrance into scene
d. Interior views
e. Area from which valuable articles were removed
f. Damage to locks, safe, doors, toolmarks
g. Articles or tools left at the scene by the
h. Trace evidence
i. Other physical evidence
A. Fingerprints
1. When to photograph fingerprints
a. Before lifting on major cases or if the latent
may be destroyed when lifting
b. To bring out detail in a latent
2. Equipment
a. 1:1 cameras and copy cameras
b. 35mm cameras with macro or close-up lens
c. Gray card for available light exposures
3. Films
a. Well defined fingerprints can be photographed
with color film but black and white film
provides more contrast and is preferred for
latent print photography
(1) Kodak T-MAX film. Develop in T-MAX
developer while increasing the development
time by 25% for increased contrast.
(2) Kodak TECHNICAL PAN 2415 film has a
variable contrast range between high and
low and a variable speed of ISO 25 to 320.
(a) For high contrast expose at ISO 100
and develop in HC-110
(3) Kodak KODALITH film for highest contrast
(a) Packaged as Kodak Ektagraphic HC
Slide Film (HCS 135-36) and has an
approximate ISO of 8.
(b) If developed in D-76 or HC-110 there
will be a limited gray scale.
(4) Ilford XP-2 black and white film can be
processed in color processors
(a) ISO 400, fine grain with good
sharpness & resolution can be
processed in C-41 color chemistry
4. Filters
a. Color filters, when used in black and white
photography, can be used to build contrast by
either lightening or darkening the subject
(latent print) or by lightening or darkening
the background (background drop-out)
(1) To lighten a color, the color filter
closest to the color is used
(2) To darken a color, the opposite color
filter is used
5. Procedures
a. Establish the location of the latent
b. Close-up to show detail
(1) A 1:1 camera or device must be used, or
(2) A scale must be included in the photograph
on the same plane as the latent
(3) Photograph with the film plane parallel to
the latent surface
(4) Get as much depth of field as possible,
especially for curved surfaces
c. Exposure
(1) Available light exposures of latents with
normal contrast can be metered using a
gray card
(2) Bracketing may reveal more detail in
"low contrast" latents.
(a) Underexposing the film will separate
the steps on the white end of the
gray scale. Overexposure will
separate the steps on the black end
of the gray scale.
(b) The latitude for black and white film
is generally two stops underexposure
and six stops overexposure.
d. Specific types of fingerprint subjects
(1) Normal, dusted prints
(a) Usually can be photographed with no
(2) Impressions in soft substances (wax,
putty, clay, adhesive tape, grease, etc.)
or in dust
(a) Use cross lighting at a glazing angle
(b) Preview with flashlight lighting
(3) Porous surfaces
(a) May need to use close to a 90 degree
lighting angle
(b) Preview with flashlight lighting
(4) Glass and mirrors
(a) Glass -- place white card or cloth
behind glass, use low glazing angle
of light
(5) Perspiration prints on glass
(a) Use back (transmitted) lighting and
diffusion screen
(6) Ninhydrin fingerprint
(a) Use normal black and white film
(T-MAX or PLUS-X) with a green filter
and increase development time 25%
B. Impressions
1. Footprints and tire tracks
a. Procedure
(1) Take an orientation photograph to show
where in the scene the impression is
(2) Take a close-up for detail
(a) Use a scale on the same plane as the
(b) Keep the film plane parallel to the
plane of the impression
(c) Block out ambient light and use a
strong light source at different
angles to find the light angle(s)
that shows the best detail in the
impression -- then put the electronic
flash or light source at that angle
for the photograph
(3) Photograph tire impressions in sections
showing one circumference of the tire
(a) Use a tape measure for overlapping
C. Bloodstain photography
1. Use color film
2. Orientation photographs to show locations of
bloodstain evidence at the scene
3. Close-up photographs to show detail
a. Use a scale on the same plane as the bloodstain
b. Keep the film parallel to the plane of the
c. Use a low glazing light angle